Order Shipping During Holiday Season

5 December 2019 year

The long-waited winter holidays are coming! We, at TriGife, look forward to celebrating Christmas, New Year 2020 and Epiphany (Three King’s Day)! During the holiday season, we’ll have small updates in the order delivery schedule caused by days off at the Spanish national postal service. In particular, TriGife will not dispatch orders on the following days:

  • December 24-25, 2019,
  • December 31, 2019,
  • January 1, 2020,
  • January 6, 2020.

If you plan to buy some goodies, consider these off-days and order early to make sure your treats arrive just on time! You can do it with ease as our online support team is available 24/7. To find something special, check out our collection gifts for women and feel free to place an order via phone, e-mail or our chat online!

Welcome the holidays with TriGife!