
Toxic Gases Toilet Caution Cone

Sick and tired of opening the bathroom door and almost fainting as that all-pervading odour hits you? Does the one you love appear to create as much gas as the local sewage works and a field of cows put together?

Price per package: 13.8 €

Sick and tired of opening the bathroom door and almost fainting as that all-pervading odour hits you? Does the one you love appear to create as much gas as the local sewage works and a field of cows put together? Then drop a not-so-gentle hint with the Toxic Gases Toilet Warning Cone, allowing them to signal that the toilet is a no go area for the foreseeable future. The Toxic Gases Toilet Cone is the perfect gift for the Jim Royal smell-alike in your home. It might even be the answer to your prayers. Of course, you could use an air freshener, but why be conventional when you can have a laugh instead? The Toxic Gases Toilet Caution Cone would be a great gift for the family who enjoy a little bit of toilet humour. And maybe there's someone in your workplace who needs more than a subtle reminder that they don't exactly leave the facilities smelling oh-so-sweet and super fresh.

About The Product

  • An orange cone that can be placed outside the bathroom door as a warning not to enter
  • Miniature traffic cone measuring approx 10 cm x 18 cm x 10 cm
  • The sign reads: 'DANGER! TOXIC GASES... GIVE IT 10 MINUTES''
  • Great gifts for all toilet users...in other words, everyone.
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