
Personalised My Music Memories Gift Voucher

A brilliant gift that will make any music lover dance around like nobody is watching.

Price per package: 85 €

Music is a powerful thing and can encompass so many life events in just three or four minutes, or longer for those classic anthems that changed the world. As much as it is powerful, it is completely individual. You and your partner may be alike in so many ways, but when it comes to music you couldn't disagree more; the same feeling with anybody who's music tastes differ to your own.
Perhaps you are looking for a gift to translate their love for music into something a little more physical, a gift that they would adore and treasure as much as their personal music collection. Perhaps you want something that captures a particular moment, but you’re not sure where to start. For example, something that happened in 1999 might have changed a loved one's life forever and the song that played on the radio station is its witness. If you forget that spectacular song, your friendship or partnership could well and truly be over. Hand the responsibility over to them with a gift voucher that allows them to reminisce about their top ten tracks which will be transformed into a framed music poster or lightbox to stun anyone who passes by.
With a choice of "My" or "Our” at the top of the image, the spellbinding gift can be customized to represent the songs of an individual or couple. Each classic framed music poster or quirky lightbox can be personalised with up to ten memories, songs and artists that reflect incredible moments in their lives. Whether they choose the track they had their first dance to, the song that was playing live when they crowd surfed at a major festival or the soundtrack to their youth, it will be a completely unique gift that will be prized at home, at the office, in student halls, or even their own personal music studio. The colours to choose in this stunning gift are neutral beige, classic black, beautiful blue, stylish grey, rock and roll red or deep teal.
About this product

Give the gift of time to somebody as they reflect on their music memories which will be made into a bespoke music poster or lightbox.
This is a gift voucher that will be transformed into a special gift.
Save yourself time, don't worry about forgetting a crucial point, and make their day.

This is the personalisation that the recipient will do via a website portal created just for this gift.
Choose 1 of 6 colours from the following: Beige, Black, Blue, Grey, Red and Teal.
Decide between pronouns "My" and "Our".
Write 10 memories, using a maximum of 50 characters.
Write 10 songs that equate to the memories, using a maximum of 30 characters.
Write 10 artists who sang the memorable songs, using a maximum of 30 characters.
Decide between a framed A4 print, or a lightbox.

What do you get

1 x Gift Voucher that will be exchanged for a Personalised My Music Memories Poster or Lightbox.

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