6 things to learn during lockdown

7 April 2020 year

Looks like we are stuck in our home's for a few more weeks. You have probably done some challenges circulating online to pass your time, but what now? You've made dalgona coffee, you've done the fitness challenge, but now you wanna tackle something bigger, something that takes your mind to a positive place. We've got you covered by listing out 6 things that you can learn during the quarantine. Take this time to expand your knowledge and learn something you wouldn't have time to learn otherwise.

1. Learn a new instrument

We all have one or the other instrument lying in the back of the closet, be it a guitar or ukulele bought on a whim while you were trying to be cool in high school, or a set of drums which you pleaded your parents to buy when you were really into metal music. Well, there is no time like today, bring out whatever musical instrument you've got and look up some tutorials online and get playing. We're sure your neighbours won't complain, for even they are going through the same phase of boredom. Who knows maybe one of them is a musician and might come over to help.

2. Learn a language

Remember when you had to take an extra language in school? Maybe you loved it or maybe you hated the very thought of that class. Well, the times have changed and as they say - the more you know the better. Give it a try and revisit the same language or learn a new one. You can just take out 15 minutes a day and learn any language on an app like Duolingo. Or if you're more serious, look for online classes and websites specially designed for that particular language.

3. Learn calligraphy

Everybody can write with a pen or a pencil, but very few can make beautiful brush strokes and write like its art. Ditch the pen and bring out a brush and start practising your lettering and calligraphy. There are plenty of easy tutorials available online for you to follow.

4. Start a journal

You might have seen videos about people journaling and keeping a tab of their days in a beautiful way. It might look difficult to make something so aesthetically pleasing, but once you start journaling you will find that it's really easy. Just write down whatever you feel like, a poem, a quote or something that's on your mind. Doodle or draw or paste some magazine cutting or a picture you took. Decorate, however you like and you're done. You can start by keeping a bullet journal to plan your days or if you're feeling creative, start an art journal.

5. Learn to code

It's a digital world we are living in, and what better time to learn to code than today. You might be interested in coding but never found the time to do so or maybe you're looking for something new to add to your resume. Don't wait, because it's time to get coding!

6. Learn a new dance form

Maybe you're blessed by the dance gods and can dance naturally or maybe you're the awkward thumb when you go out partying. No one is judging you now, you have the whole place to yourself and you have plenty of time. Seems like the perfect time to practice some moves and get grooving. If you're already a dancer, you can always try and learn a new dance form. So put on some music and sway to the beats like nobody's watching. Really, nobody's watching.


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